Our paperless "Candidate Generated Order" (CGO) program is an excellent fit for a lot of our clients. It allows applicants to provide their personal identifiers and sign their authorization online.
There are several advantages to the online process.
For one, because the applicant types in the information – we can read it. It’s legible.
Secondly, we make certain fields mandatory. So unlike a paper authorization or a PDF authorization the applicant can’t skip information we need for the background check.
And third, it provides a professional high tech experience for the applicant that reflects positively on your company.
Our “Candidate Generated Order” program is a great way to offload the initiation of the background process on to us. And because of the professional look of the site it also provides your applicant with a very positive experience.
Let us know if you have an interest in this customized program. There is no charge to set it up for you. We highly recommend it.